Amazing Character Design Illustrations By Serag Basel

?Today I’m going to feature one of my favorite Art Director and ?Great Character Design illustration artist “Serag Basel”, with his character design illustrations. He was from Cairo, Egypt.  He is a freelance art director, illustrator artist and graphic designer living and working in Saudi Arabia. A Muslim Art Director specializing in Branding, Animation Character and advertisement.

He has 8 years of experience in Graphic Design. I love his work, especially his kids zone character illustrations. Serag Basel worked with top brands and he had a huge list of clients Framedkeys, Sunstar GUM, KAD&CO .INTL, Seal, Pharco, Prophoto, Academy Of Learning, , Unaizah Dates, UCCi Unaizah, Abasher KSA, MSD pharmacy, Roche, Dar El Shorouk, DesignGuide, Novartis,Pfizerand many more.

You can catch Serag Basel on Behance.

You may be interested in the following articles as well.

Serag Basel Character Design Illustration Collection

Serag Basel is a professional Art Director and graphic artist, designer and illustrator. He drawing really stunning and full of fun character / mascot design for kids shows and TV channels. My daughter love his character design specially “Eagle Footballer”. Here is the list of amazing, remarkable Digital Character Design Illustrations By Serag Basel. Have a look, and feel the power of Illustration!

Improve your drawing and illustration skills, by new illustrator tutorials, which we’ll be teaching you essential workflows, tips and techniques to help you get create Vector Graphics in Adobe Illustrator. I hope! these tutorials can enhance your skills and improve the quality of your works.

Have fun!!!

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